Angelo Donetti
Brawn: 3
Finesse: 4
Wits: 4
Resolve: 3
Panache: 3
Servant (Fate Witch wife)
Twisted Blade (5 dice), rapier
Scarovese (3 pt)
Lord's Hand
Vodacce R/W
Montaigne R/W
Fencing: 6*
Assassin: 6*
Athlete: 5
Repartee: 6*
Firearms: 5
Knife: 5
Dirty Fighting: 4
Courtier: 5
Schiuma School: 6*
- Double-Parry(Fencing/Knife)
- Feint(Fencing)
- Pommel Strike(Fencing)
- Quip
- Apprentice: NOHP(Knife), draw and use a knife in a single Action without penalty. You get a Free Raise to the first use of any knife that you draw from concealment. This may be for any use of Knife Skill, or for Double-Parry. You may have a number of hidden knives on your person equal to your Assassin Skill.
- Journeyman: NOHP(Pistol), draw and fire a pistol in a single Action without penalty. You now get two Free Raises to the first use of a concealed knife, and also get two Free Raises for the first use of a concealed pistol. Each pistol counts as two knives for purposes of how many items you can conceal.
- Master: +1 to your Assassin Skill for purposes of concealing items (including your concealed weapons). Any suprise attack you make has its damage increased by +1k1. This may either be a "real" suprise attack via Ambush, or by using your Apprentice/Journeyman abilities with a concealed weapon.
12 XP unspent, 0 Prestige Points unspent
John Flanagan
Last modified: Thu Jan 2 23:57:19 CST 2003